so i have been doing this thing called procrastination...i'm a major sucker for this activity...i somehow find myself participating in it often...daily events like waiting until 5:00 to clean the house before my husband comes home...so picture me running, shoving random pieces of mail and clothing in drawers so it looks like i have been slaving away all day...
and then there is the major procrastination...preparing for taxes...i would compare this task to pulling an all nighter in college...you know, where you have known all semester that you have a 20 pg term paper to write but somehow you go out every night until the day before and that's when you have a mental breakdown...yea, that's me....we have to meet w/ our accountant tomorrow...that's why tonight it's important to go to a concert...can't you tell i have matured a lot in the past 10 yrs....